Yves Poullet


Yves Poullet is a professor at Université de Namur (UNamur) and the rector of Université de Namur (UNamur).

Yves Poullet is the founder of Centre de recherches informatique et droit (CRID).

Yves Poullet's webpage on the Université de Namur contains~:

Director of CRIDS since its creation in 1979 until August 31, 2010, he conducted various researches in the field of new technologies with a special emphasis on privacy issues, of individual and public freedom in the Information Society and of Internet Governance. Moreover, he is full professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Namur (UNamur) and Liège (Ulg).

He has been during 12 years (1992-2004) member of the Belgian Commission on Data Protection (Commission belge de protection de la vie privée). In addition, he was since its origin, member of Legal Advisory Board of European Commission and the president of the Task Force "Electronic Democracy and Access to public records". He is a f ounder of the European Telecommunication Forum, ECLIP and FIRILITE. He also chaired the Belgian Computer Association ABDI (Association Belge de Droit de l'Informatique).

